
Does Black Tea Make You Poop? [Researchers Found This]

What if I say, ‘a good, hot and flavourful cup of tea in the morning is a universal ritual and is the best way to start the day’?  Well, I am quite confident most of you will agree with me. 

Apparently, a cup of tea is the basic stimulant to attend to nature’s call in the morning for many of us. 

Does black tea make you poop?

Black tea is known as a stimulant of bowel movements. Though laxatives present in black tea are mild, they are adequate to avert constipation. Unlike other herbal teas, which relieve constipation, black tea can use daily without health risks to induce your regular nature’s call.

So, now that we know, black tea helps your bowel movements and to defecate.

Let’s dive in more to find out how this works?

The science behind the effect of black tea constipation

There is a little science behind how black tea helps you in your bowel movement!

First of all, you need to know what peristalsis is. This phenomenon is crucial for the movement of food along the intestine and colon of your digestive system. Intestinal muscles are involuntarily contracted and relaxed, resulting in wave-like bowel movements.

It is a naturally coordinated process which helps digestion and elimination of waste from your system.

Importantly, black tea is known to have a laxative effect, which facilitates peristalsis[1]Doust Fatemeh S, Imanieh MH, Mohagheghzadeh A, Zarshenas MM, Torkamani Z, Yousefi G, Farahangiz S, Salehi A. The Effect of Black Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) Kuntze) on Pediatrics with Acute Nonbacterial Diarrhea: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2017), J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med., Jan; 22(1); 114-119. DOI: 10.1177/2156587216654600. So, consequently, stool passes with less effort.  

Further to above, warm liquids, including black tea, have a vasodilation effect, which causes the widening of blood vessels in your digestive system.

As a result, gastrointestinal activity is facilitated, easing your bowel movements.

Here’s a small extra addition!

Tip: You can improve the laxative effect of your black tea by adding other laxatives like honey or molasses.

What are the causes of constipation? 

One of the most common digestive problems we face nowadays is constipation. This may trigger due to many reasons. Some reasons even go quite unnoticed! 

Foremost causes are inadequate water and fiber-rich food. Well, reading through the article, I’m sure you figure out why it is important.

Including many reasons, there are a few that may go unnoticed, and you may be constipated in no time, unknowingly.

They are;

  • Regular changes in your dietary pattern and routine activities
  • Having a lot of dairy products
  • Being overly sedentary
  • Stress and anxiety

Moreover, constipation could be a result of certain conditions, namely; 

  • Eating disorders
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • If you have nerve and muscle problems in your digestive system
  • Colon cancer
  • Neurological disorders; Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis

However, it could also be a side effect of certain medicines like anti-depressants, iron pills, strong pain drugs, etc.

How can you prevent constipation?  

There is no harm in knowing some home remedies to relieve constipation.

Most of it will come in handy at your hour of need. I will list down some remedies supported by science[2]West H. (15 July 2020), 13 home remedies for constipation [Blog post]. Retrieved from

  • Eat more fiber, mostly soluble, non-fermentable fiber
  • Exercise more
  • Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee
  • Take Senna, an herbal laxative
  • Eat probiotic foods or take probiotic supplements
  • Over-the-counter or prescription laxatives
  • Try a low FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) diet
  • Eat shirataki noodles or take a glucomannan supplement
  • Eat prebiotic foods
  • Try magnesium citrate
  • Eat prunes
  • Try avoiding dairy

How does the caffeine in black tea help you to have a better bowel movement?

Usually, black tea contains nearly 3 – 6% caffeine. After sipping your morning cup of black tea, caffeine stimulates the urge to answer your nature’s call.

This happens because caffeine is known to increase sphincter pressure[3]Lohsiriwat, S., Kongmuang, P. & Leelakusolvong, S. Effects of Caffeine on Anorectal Manometric Findings. (2008), Dis Colon Rectum 51, 928–93. DOI: This phenomenon further facilitates peristalsis.

Can you use black tea to relieve constipation? 

I am sure you have experienced acute constipation at least once in your lifetime. Either your bowel movements are fewer than three per week, or you find it rather difficult to pass stool. Then, you’re constipated.

Generally, before visiting a doctor, we try one or two home remedies to relieve chronic constipation. Black tea is one of them.

A hot cup of black tea is especially known to relieve constipation. The reason is its laxative effect.

Moreover, it has mild but adequate laxatives, which could prevent constipation. Unlike many other herbal drinks used to relieve constipation, black tea can use without health risks daily to stimulate your nature’s call. That is one of the benefit black tea have.

On the other hand, it is noteworthy to mention that black tea is a potential diuretic. This means it can increase your urine production and excretes more water from your body.

Tip: Black tea could trigger constipation if you are not hydrated enough by drinking water and other fluids.


However, the amount or the dose of black tea compounds that go into your system determines whether constipation will be relieved or be more severe[4]Yao CK, Tan HL, Langenberg DR, Barrett JS, Rose R, Liels K, Gibson PR, Muir JG. Dietary sorbitol and mannitol: Food content and distinct absorption patterns between healthy individuals and patients with irritable bowel syndrome. (2013). J Hum Nutr Diet. 27, 2; 263-75. DOI: 10.1111/jhn.12144.)..

So, if you’re constipated, you have to be extra cautious about your cup of black tea. Experts do not recommend black tea if you’re suffering from constipation.

Instead, you will ask to drink a lot of water and many other fluids at a time like that. This will help you in faster relief.

Furthermore, if constipation continues even after having adequate water and other fluids, well you need to seek help from your doctor.

Now, this is very important!

Tip: You should be very careful if you have a constipated child less than one year. You should NOT give black tea or any other herbal tea to relieve him/ her. Instead, please consult your family physician.

What helps you to have a regular and healthy bowel movement?

Drinking adequate amounts of water and other fluids are essential to keep your body and colon hydrated.

Other than that, your well-lubricated intestine and loosened stool will help you to eliminate waste without an effort.

There is more!

A diet high in fiber-rich fruits and vegetables adds bulk and weight to stools. Fiber gives more advantages by softening stool and stimulating bowel movements.

Does tea make you bloated?

Bloating is an uneasiness of the digestive system which could result from constipation. Excess tea drinking may cause bloating.

Moreover, artificial sweeteners namely, sorbitol, mannitol found in tea, might also lead to bloating.

It is mainly because of the gas produced by bacteria, who feed on undigested artificial sweeteners.


You may use black tea every day as a mild laxative, facilitating bowel movement, and preventing constipation. Moreover, caffeine in black tea stimulates defecation.

Nevertheless, if you’re constipated, black tea may not be the ideal option due to its diuretic effect. If you could be a little attentive about your daily water and fluid intake and dietary fiber, you will have a regular and healthy bowel movement.

There can be many causes for constipation, but the good news is, if you’re a healthy adult, most of the time, constipation can be relieved with some well-known home remedies.
